Turbo51 Code Examples
Examine 8051 projects and learn the tricks
Here are some test projects suitable for any 8051 microcontroller to show how to use Turbo51. They can also be used to quickly see the generated code. The assembler files can also serve as 8051 code examples.
Example 1
This is a '8051 hello world' example.
This is a simple example. It shows basic features of Turbo51.
Example 3
This example is part of some real 8051 project. It shows how to use Turbo51 and its features.
Example 4
This example demonstrates sets and inline procedures/functions.
Example 5
Display controller - another real 8051 project.
Example 6
Keyboard/RS232 interface controller - simple 8051 project.
Example 7
Communication controller - complex 8051 project using interrupts, RS485 serial communication, DAC conversions, I2C, EEPROM, etc.
8051 calculator example in Turbo51
This is an example of a simple 8051 calculator - it should work on any 8051 microcontroller, just adjust oscillator frequency and baud rate formula. Below you can see compiled code. This is a simple 8051 code example - to show how simple can be programming with Turbo51.
Program Calculator; Const Osc = 22118400; BaudRateTimerValue = Byte (- Osc div 12 div 32 div 19200); Var SerialPort: Text; Num1, Num2: LongInt; Procedure WriteToSerialPort; Assembler; Asm CLR TI MOV SBUF, A @WaitLoop: JNB TI, @WaitLoop end; Function ReadFromSerialPort: Char; Var ByteResult: Byte absolute Result; begin While not RI do; RI := False; ByteResult := SBUF; { Echo character } Asm MOV A, Result LCALL WriteToSerialPort end; end; Procedure Init; begin TL1 := BaudRateTimerValue; TH1 := BaudRateTimerValue; TMOD := %00100001; { Timer1: no GATE, 8 bit timer, autoreload } SCON := %01010000; { Serial Mode 1, Enable Reception } TI := True; { Indicate TX ready } TR1 := True; { Enable timer 1 } end; {$DefaultFile On } begin Init; Assign (CurrentIO, ReadFromSerialPort, WriteToSerialPort); Writeln ('Turbo51 IO file demo - integer calculator'); Repeat Write ('Enter first number: '); Readln (Num1); Write ('Enter second number: '); Readln (Num2); Writeln (Num1, ' + ', Num2, ' = ', Num1 + Num2); Writeln (Num1, ' - ', Num2, ' = ', Num1 - Num2); Writeln (Num1, ' * ', Num2, ' = ', Num1 * Num2); until False; end.
Compiled code looks like this:
; Turbo51 version, Copyright 2000 - 2011 Igor Funa $REGISTERBANK (0) _CODE SEGMENT CODE _CONST SEGMENT CODE _DATA SEGMENT DATA EXTRN DATA (CurrentIO) EXTRN IDATA (StackStart) EXTRN CODE (sysWriteStr_CODE) EXTRN CODE (sysWriteLine) EXTRN CODE (sysReadLongInt) EXTRN CODE (sysStore_Long0_To_IDATA) EXTRN CODE (sysReadLine) EXTRN CODE (sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA) EXTRN CODE (sysPushLongIntBCD) EXTRN CODE (sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes) EXTRN CODE (sysLoad_Long1_From_IDATA) EXTRN CODE (sysLongAddition) EXTRN CODE (sysLongSubtraction) EXTRN CODE (sysLongMultiplication) ; Program Calculator; ; ; Const RSEG _CONST ; Osc = 22118400; ; BaudRateTimerValue = Byte (- Osc div 12 div 32 div 19200); ; ; Var SerialPort: Text; ; Num1, Num2: LongInt; RSEG _DATA Num1: DS 4 Num2: DS 4 ; ; Procedure WriteToSerialPort; Assembler; RSEG _CODE USING 0 WriteToSerialPort: ; Asm ; CLR TI CLR SCON.1 ; MOV SBUF, A MOV SBUF, A ; @WaitLoop: L_0111: ; JNB TI, @WaitLoop JNB SCON.1, L_0111 ; end; RET ; ; Function ReadFromSerialPort: Char; RSEG _DATA ReadFromSerialPort_Result: DS 1 ; Var ByteResult: Byte absolute Result; ByteResult EQU ReadFromSerialPort_Result RSEG _CODE ReadFromSerialPort: ; begin ; While not RI do; L_0115: JNB SCON.0, L_0115 ; RI := False; CLR SCON.0 ; ByteResult := SBUF; MOV ReadFromSerialPort_Result, SBUF ; ; { Echo character } ; ; Asm ; MOV A, Result MOV A, ReadFromSerialPort_Result ; LCALL WriteToSerialPort LCALL WriteToSerialPort ; end; ; end; MOV A, ReadFromSerialPort_Result RET ; ; ; Procedure Init; Init: ; begin ; TL1 := BaudRateTimerValue; MOV TL1, #$FD ; TH1 := BaudRateTimerValue; MOV TH1, #$FD ; TMOD := %00100001; { Timer1: no GATE, 8 bit timer, autoreload } MOV TMOD, #$21 ; SCON := %01010000; { Serial Mode 1, Enable Reception } MOV SCON, #$50 ; TI := True; { Indicate TX ready } SETB SCON.1 ; TR1 := True; { Enable timer 1 } SETB TCON.6 ; end; RET RSEG _CONST C_0435: DB 41, 'Turbo51 IO file demo - integer calculator' C_045F: DB 20, 'Enter first number: ' C_0474: DB 21, 'Enter second number: ' C_048A: DB 3, ' + ' C_048E: DB 3, ' = ' C_0492: DB 3, ' - ' C_0496: DB 3, ' * ' CSEG AT $0000 Calculator: ; ; {$DefaultFile On } ; ; begin MOV SP, #StackStart-1 ; Init; LCALL Init ; Assign (CurrentIO, ReadFromSerialPort, WriteToSerialPort); MOV CurrentIO, #LOW (WriteToSerialPort) MOV CurrentIO+1, #HIGH (WriteToSerialPort) MOV CurrentIO+2, #LOW (ReadFromSerialPort) MOV CurrentIO+3, #HIGH (ReadFromSerialPort) ; ; Writeln ('Turbo51 IO file demo - integer calculator'); MOV DPTR, #C_0435 MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE LCALL sysWriteLine ; Repeat L_001D: ; Write ('Enter first number: '); MOV DPTR, #C_045F MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE ; Readln (Num1); LCALL sysReadLongInt MOV R0, #Num1 LCALL sysStore_Long0_To_IDATA LCALL sysReadLine ; Write ('Enter second number: '); MOV DPTR, #C_0474 MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE ; Readln (Num2); LCALL sysReadLongInt MOV R0, #Num2 LCALL sysStore_Long0_To_IDATA LCALL sysReadLine ; Writeln (Num1, ' + ', Num2, ' = ', Num1 + Num2); MOV R0, #Num1 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes MOV DPTR, #C_048A MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE MOV R0, #Num2 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes MOV DPTR, #C_048E MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE MOV R0, #Num1 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA MOV R0, #Num2 LCALL sysLoad_Long1_From_IDATA LCALL sysLongAddition LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes LCALL sysWriteLine ; Writeln (Num1, ' - ', Num2, ' = ', Num1 - Num2); MOV R0, #Num1 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes MOV DPTR, #C_0492 MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE MOV R0, #Num2 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes MOV DPTR, #C_048E MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE MOV R0, #Num1 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA MOV R0, #Num2 LCALL sysLoad_Long1_From_IDATA CLR C LCALL sysLongSubtraction LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes LCALL sysWriteLine ; Writeln (Num1, ' * ', Num2, ' = ', Num1 * Num2); MOV R0, #Num1 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes MOV DPTR, #C_0496 MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE MOV R0, #Num2 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes MOV DPTR, #C_048E MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteStr_CODE MOV R0, #Num1 LCALL sysLoad_Long0_From_IDATA MOV R0, #Num2 LCALL sysLoad_Long1_From_IDATA LCALL sysLongMultiplication LCALL sysPushLongIntBCD MOV R6, #0 LCALL sysWriteDecimalPushedBytes LCALL sysWriteLine ; until False; LJMP L_001D ; end. END