Turbo51 System Functions

Pascal Compiler for 8051 Microcontrollers


Function Abs (X: Integer): Integer;

Function Abs (X: Real): Real;

Abs returns the absolute value of a variable. The result of the function has the same type as its argument, which can be Integer or Real.


Function Addr (X: T_DATA_Variable): ShortPtr;

Function Addr (X: T_XDATA_Variable): Pointer;

Function Addr (X: TProcedure): CodePointer;

Addr returns a pointer to its argument, which can be any type including procedure or function. If argument is in DATA segment the result is of type ShortPtr, If argument is in XDATA segment the result is of type Pointer and if argument is in CODE segment (typed constant, function, procedure, static method) the result is of type CodePointer. The returned pointer isn't typed. Similar result can be obtained by the @ operator which returns a typed pointer.


Function Arctan (X: Real): Real;

Arctan returns the Arctangent of X. The resulting angle is in radians.


Function Assigned (P: Pointer): Boolean;

Assigned returns True if P is non-nil and retuns False otherwise. P can be any pointer or procedural variable.


Function Bcd (D: Byte): Byte;

Bcd returns binary coded decimal representation of D.


Function Chr (X: Byte): Char;

Chr returns the character which has ASCII value X.


Function Concat (S1, S2 [,S3, ... ,Sn]): String;

Concat concatenates the strings S1, S2 etc. to one long string. The resulting string is truncated at a length of 255 bytes. The same operation can be performed with the + operation. Function Concat needs XDATA memory.


Function Copy (Const S: String; Index: Byte; Count: Byte): String;

Copy returns a string which is a copy if the Count characters in S, starting at position Index. If Count is larger than the length of the string S, the result is truncated. If Index is larger than the length of the string S, then an empty string is returned. Function Copy needs XDATA memory.


Function Cos (X: Real): Real;

Cos returns the cosine of X, where X is an angle in radians.


Function Exp (Var X: Real): Real;

Exp returns the exponent of X, i.e. the number e to the power X.


Function Frac (X: Real): Real;

Frac returns the fractional part of a floating point number in X.


Function Hi (X: Word): Byte;

Function Hi (X: Pointer): Byte;

Hi returns the high byte of word or pointer in X.


Function High (TOrdinalType): TOrdinalTypeElement;

Function High (X: TOrdinalType): TOrdinalTypeElement;

Function High (X: TArray): TArrayIndex;

Function High (X: TOpenArray): Integer;

The return value of High depends on it's argument: 1. If the argument is an ordinal type, High returns the highest value in the range of the given ordinal type. 2. If the argument is an array type or an array type variable then High returns the highest possible value of it's index. 3. If the argument is an open array identifier in a function or procedure, then High returns the highest index of the array, as if the array has a zero-based index. The return type is always the same type as the type of the argument (or type of index in arrays).


Function Int (X: Real): Real;

Int returns the integer part of a floating point number in X. The result is Real, i.e. a floating point number.


Function Length (S: String): Byte;

Length returns the length of the string S. If the strings S is empty, 0 is returned. Note: The length of the string S is stored in S [0].


Function Ln (X: Real): Real;

Ln returns the natural logarithm of the Real parameter X. X must be positive.


Function Lo (X: Word): Byte;

Function Lo (X: Pointer): Byte;

Lo returns the low byte of word or pointer in X.


Function Low (TOrdinalType): TOrdinalTypeElement;

Function Low (X: TOrdinalType): TOrdinalTypeElement;

Function Low (X: TArray): TArrayIndex;

Function Low (X: TOpenArray): Integer;

The return value of Low depends on it's argument: 1. If the argument is an ordinal type, Low returns the lowest value in the range of the given ordinal type. 2. If the argument is an array type or an array type variable then Low returns the lowest possible value of it's index. 3. If the argument is an open array identifier in a function or procedure, then Low returns the lowest index of the array which is 0. The return type is always the same type as the type of the argument (or type of index in arrays).


Function MaxAvail: Word;

MaxAvail returns the size in bytes of the biggest free memory block in the heap.


Function MemAvail: Word;

MemAvail returns the size in bytes of all free memory in the heap.


Function New (PType);

Function New (PObjectType; Constructor);

New returns address of allocated memory for a new instance of the type PType. If PType is a pointer to a object type, then it is possible to specify the name of the constructor with which the instance will be created.


Function Odd (X: Longint): Boolean;

Odd returns True if X is odd, or False otherwise.


Function Ofs (TRecord.Field): Longint;

Ofs returns offset of Field in record type TRecord.


Function Ord (X: TOrdinalType): Longint;

Ord returns the ordinal value of a ordinal-type variable X.


Function Pi: Real;

Pi returns the value of Pi (3.1415926535897932385).


Function Pos (Const Substr, Str: String): Byte;

Pos returns the index of Substr in Str, if Str contains Substr. In case Substr isn't found, 0 is returned. The search is case-sensitive.


Function Pred (X: TOrdinalType): TOrdinalType;

Pred returns the element that precedes the element that was passed to it.


Function Random (L: Longint): Longint;

Function Random: Real;

Random returns a random number larger or equal to 0 and strictly less than L. If the argument L is omitted, a Real number between 0 and 1 is returned. (0 included, 1 excluded).


Function Round (X: Real): Longint;

Round rounds X to the closest integer, which may be bigger or smaller than X.


Function Sin (X: Real): Real;

Sin returns the sine of its argument X, where X is an angle in radians.


Function SizeOf (TAnyType): Longint;

Function SizeOf (X: TAnyType): Longint;

Function SizeOf (TRecord.Field): Longint;

SizeOf returns the size in bytes of any variable, type or record field.


Function Sqr (X: Real): Real;

Sqr returns the square of its argument X.


Function Sqrt (X: Real): Real;

Sqrt returns the square root of its argument X, which must be positive.


Function Succ (X: TOrdinalType): TOrdinalType;

Succ returns the element that succeeds the element that was passed to it.


Function Swap (X: Word): Word;

Swap swaps the high and low order bytes of X.


Function SwapWord (X: LongInt): LongInt;

SwapWord swaps the high and low order words of X.


Function Trunc (X: Real): Longint;

Trunc returns the integer part of X, which is always smaller than (or equal to) X in absolute value.


Function TypeOf (TObjectType): Pointer;

TypeOf returns the address of the VMT of the TObjectType.


Function Upcase (C: Char): Char;

UpCase returns the uppercase version of its argument C.

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